tAKIng innovation to new heights

Welcome to the Digital Innovation Ascent High Camps!

Building on the Digital Innovation Ascent Basecamp learning journey, we offer additional immersive training formats, called 'High Camps' that allow you to deep-dive and personalise your learning journey. We have three formats on offer that will stretch your mindset and build up your skillset as you get hands-on with digital innovation topics, together with other innovation leaders in the Lufthansa group.

Join us in our Hub in Berlin, to get out of business-as-usual, and into a dynamic learning and working environment.

What are High Camps?

The High Camps are advanced-level, 'extreme altitude' innovation sessions that combine theory, practice and reflection. Be prepared to roll up your sleeves and get hands-on while you experiment and explore together with your peers.

Is this for me?
The Digital Innovation Ascent formats are for Lufthansa Group leaders. Participants do not need to have completed the Basecamp journey, nor work within the formal context of ‘digital innovation’, but should be interested in exploring how to use the concepts and methods for their respective business area.

We are offering the following High Camps in 2024:

Digital Business Modelling
Get to grips with digital business models, so you can understand and apply different business model configurations to your field.
Learn MOre
Technology-Driven Innovation
Sharpen your digital literacy on key technologies, understand their implications and develop a specific idea for your work.
Learn more
Cultural Innovation Leadership
Refine your leadership style, team environment & processes, to foster a creative and conscious innovation culture within your team.
Learn MOre

Business Models

Digital Business Models

Following this training you will understand the patterns and components that make up various digital business models, to consider how you might add value for customers, partners and the Lufthansa Group through business model innovations. Through the help of a facilitated case study, you'll discover and discuss inspiring examples of business model innovation from various industries, and consider how to apply this to your own business context. This one-day training is preceded by a virtual onboarding and a pre-work task.

What you will take away?

Knowledge about different digital business models, their building blocks and how these are implemented by other companies
The ability to assess the business models of competitors or market entrants and to derive their effects on one's own business area
Successful learning transfer through practical application of content, through use of a case study and reflection with other innovation leaders

Some of the topics that will be covered during the High Camp are:

How do existing digital business models work and what new business models are there in the travel and mobility market?

What are the components of business models and how do they interact with each other?
How can we generate value for the company, our customers and partners through business model innovations?
Which trends will influence the design of business models in the future?


The program takes place in a blended learning approach including:
a virtual onboarding
the preparation of a case study
1-day on-site training
The on-site training consists of a mix of content-related input, practical application and group reflections. The on-site training will take place in Berlin and will be led by experts from the Lufthansa Innovation Hub.

Register Now!

Click below to register for the Digital Business Models High Camp


Technology-Driven Innovation

"RPA? IoT? VR/AR? Or Blockchain anyone...? If this all sounds like double-dutch to you, join this immersive learning journey to sharpen your digital literacy and ultimately develop technology driven opportunities for your own business area. This learning journey consists of an in-person, 1-day training, followed by a 6-week, self-paced idea development which is debriefed and evaluated in a final virtual session.

The opportunities created by digital transformation and new technologies are one of the most important drivers of innovation today, they change customer expectations and needs and influence how organizations have to think and operate.

Leaders need to understand the implications of technology, extrapolate structural changes and identify opportunities for new value creation.

The High Camp 'Technology-Driven Innovation' supports leaders in acquiring the necessary knowledge and understanding of core technologies and in translating them into innovation ideas. By the end of this journey participants will be confident in their comprehensive understanding of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Business Process Automation, and Virtual & Augmented Reality.

What will you take away?

A comprehensive understanding of new technologies and their implications in terms of structural changes and new value creation
A structured approach toward desk research and ideas for future self-directed learning habits
The strengthening of your network and the exchange through participant-led learning with other innovation leaders within LHG

An idea for your business context and a personal roadmap to strategically test and implement this idea

The topics that will be covered during the High Camp are:

An overview of the concept of Technology-driven Innovation (TDI)
What is behind key technologies shaping today's business landscape, which use cases exist and what effects do they have on society, customer expectations and the Lufthansa Group‍
Considerations around how one's own business strategy can accommodate new technological developments.


The program takes place in a blended learning approach including:
a 1-day on-site training
a self-organised 6-week idea development phase
a closing virtual session
All participants receive a logbook in which they can review and reflect on training content during the program and develop a personal roadmap, as well as guidance for developing and refining ideas.
The on-site training consists of a mix of content-related input, practical exercises as well as group reflections and transfer exercises in order to connect the learning content with the business context of each participant.
The on-site training will take place in Berlin and will be led by experts from the Lufthansa Innovation Hub.

Register Now!

Click below to register for the Technology-Driven Innovation High Camp

Cultural Innovation

Cultural Innovation Leadership

In this training we will hone in on the factors influencing innovation culture – not least the crucial role that is played by leadership. As a leader, fostering a creative ‘idea culture' means encouraging experimentation and thus tolerating failure. “Innovative cultures are paradoxical” (HBR, 2019). More desirable innovation factors such as collaboration, trust and psychological safety are counterbalanced and under tightrope pressure of less ‘fun’ aspects such as candour, discipline, and accountability. As a result, innovation cultures can be difficult to create and sustain. So how can you lead creative collaboration to increase the innovation capacity of your team? What rituals and frameworks can you as a leader provide your team to ignite passion for creativity and a strong team ethos? And which creative processes can you embrace in order to strengthen your team?

What will you take away?

Understand what makes organizations and teams innovative, including the underlying prerequisites for an innovative work environment (e.g. experimentation, failure-positive mindset)
A set of tools and methodologies which you can take back to your teams for purposeful and structured collaboration, in which team members can contribute
Reflection on your own personal leadership style. Define your personal 'northstar' for the type of innovative leader you want to be

The topics that will be covered during the High Camp are:

Looking at best-practice examples of German and international companies, as well as leaders that create and sustain thriving innovation cultures
Creating awareness and evaluation of your personal leadership style and impact
Rules of Engagement: How to motivate your team in the face of adversity, and walk the tightrope of innovation paradoxes
Building on the Hypothesis-led thinking module within the Basecamp, participants will learn how to support and coach their teams to design suitable experiments for their hypotheses


The program takes place in a blended learning approach including:
a virtual onboarding session
a 1-day in-person training in Berlin
Post-training workbook with on-demand digital learning modules.
Following the learning journey, you have the opportunity to book optional follow-up individual coaching sessions* with LIH innovation coaches to evaluate your team’s progress and consider future steps. (*strictly confidential and in a trustful setting. Subject to individual pricing and not included in the training price.) Alternatively, you can book a team retrospective session facilitated by a transformation expert from LIH.

Register Now!

Click below to register for the Cultural Innovation Leadership High Camp